Monday, August 11, 2008

silence! i am about to speak ...

i always hate starting something new because i can never figure out exactly how that should be done. so for this particular adventure i'm just going to start in the middle.

i am in the middle right now. in the middle of a lease, in the middle of loan payments, in the middle of a job transition, in the middle of buying a car, and in the middle of my workday. it's a very boring place to be. i know that i have to be patient. i have never really been a person that likes to sit still or that likes silence.

i remember about a year ago i had to go on a silent retreat which i assumed was going to be one of the worst experiences of my life. when i opened the door to the room i stayed in i noticed a kneeler facing a crucifix and i just started laughing. yeah right! i could just imagine myself kneeling there with my prayer hands staring at the wall all weekend. i found out that the silence wasn't so bad after all. it made you listen to the thoughts in your own mind and help sort things out a bit. i found myself journaling, painting, and spending an immense time outside in the cool summer air. i watched a trail of aunts for about half an hour, played with blades of grass, and walked around admiring the awesome beauty of nature.

it's easy to forget about all of this when you are trapped in an office 40 hours a week or in a city where the only grass you see is brown.

1 comment:

dave said...

yeah you never really think of "shut up" as good advice but sometimes it is